


Calls for application to join the

Professional Women’s Association’s/PWA’s  Mentoring Programme for current and future leaders



Dear PWA Member!


One of the most important professional programmes of the Professional Women’s Association is the Mentoring Programme.

The aim of the programme is to provide mentees with support from male and female leaders with great leadership experience for their professional development.

Women’s economic responsibility is not just a matter of equal opportunities, this is an economic necessity, an economic interest, the key to the competitiveness of companies.

PWA is committed to support women in their leadership ambitions, and to help their professional advancement through knowledge, experience and business networking opportunities. We are convinced that knowledge transfer is an individual and social responsibility and that the exchange of knowledge provides great opportunities to inspire each other. Therefore, PWA continues its unique mentoring programme in 2021.

We are awaiting applications of future mentees (1.), mentors (2.) and companies (3.) and we also kindly ask you to help us in promoting the programme by forwarding the call for application.

We hope that not only women but also men are going to join the programme because PWA does not divide the world only into men and women, we regard integrated thinking as valuable. There are also successful male leaders among the mentors, who agree with the goals of PWA and support the career development of women.

We have created the tradition, according to which PWA’s experienced mentors help 40-50 male and female managers annually to be more successful in leadership, thus, they can contribute to the success of organisations (businesses and companies) in the longer run.


The operation of the programme:

The mentor and the mentee together define the personal goals, the mentor listens to, supports and gives advice to help the mentee, and a written agreement is made between them.


The timing of the programme:

The pairs meet each month. If organising a personal meeting is not feasible, a Skype meeting can also be arranged.



1. Application for mentees

Why apply to participate in the PWA Mentoring Programme as a mentee?

  • Applicants can learn from male and female leaders with serious leadership experience and receive support in their own development and goals;
  • They can become active members of a developing community that is based on volunteer culture;
  • They have the chance to learn and become a teacher from a learner;
  • The mentors will be successful leaders with great experience chosen by PWA.


Our target group:

Any woman or man who leads or plans to manage/lead an organization or business in the near future.


The conditions of participating in the programme as mentees:

  • Participation in trainings for mentors and mentees.
  • Submission of the application, which means filling out a short questionnaire.
  • Participation in the mentoring events organised (launch and closure of the programme, interim evaluation sessions).
  • PWA Membership and payment of the Membership Fee before the programme starts.


For more information about PWA membership, visit the following link:


If you are interested in mentoring as a mentee, please apply or if know someone to whom you would like to recommend the programme, please inform them about this opportunity and send them this call.


Apply to be mentee:

Application Deadline: 15 February, 2024



2. Application for mentors

We are awaiting applications for the Mentoring Programme from future mentors as well:

If you would like to share your professional knowledge, please apply to be a mentor! If you know a person who you think would be a great mentor, please send us their contact details so that we can contact and invite them to join the PWA Mentoring Programme.


Apply to be a mentor here:

Application Deadline: 15 February, 2024



3. Application for companies

We are also accepting applications from companies. If you know a company that would be open to involve its staff in a mentoring programme, or if it wants to support the programme in any way, please send us your recommendation and we will contact the given company.


Apply here as a company:

Application Deadline:  15 February, 2024





For more information about our association, please visit


We hope that through your support, a lot of diverse mentoring pairs working in various fields shall participate in our programme in 2024!


Best regards,

Melinda Katona – PWA President